Jen is a multi-award winning radio imaging ROCK STAR who can voice ANY format. Period. Her roster of stations is WICKED IMPRESSIVE! The Jen Sweeney radio image brand will not only guarantee your unique station an authentic, personality driven sound, but her FAST TURNAROUND and kick ass customer service is backed by a BOMB OF TALENT.
Allow her to JENIFY your copy NOW, and your station’s sound will ROCKET to a WHOLE NEW STRATOSPHERE!
With an acting background, Jen Sweeney can give you ATTITUDE, SEX, SNARK, WIT, BUCK WILD OFF THE CUFF AD-LIBBED HILARITY, PATRIOTISM, TENDERNESS, and all TOTALLY EFFING AUTHENTIC AND REAL! She’s got a cast of characters in her bag of tricks, too! Jen WILL deliver.
Want bang for your buck? Check to see if she’s available in YOUR market today:
Contact Nate Zeitz or Lisa Marber Rich at Atlas Talent, NYC 212-730-4500.
It’s all about the voice…
New York: 212.730.4500,
Los Angeles 310.324.9800
All other inquiries please email